Business Coaching
& Mentoring

Made For Women
Who Mean Business

Are you ready to transform
your business into a powerhouse
of profitability and success? 

Experienced Business Advisors

Supercharge Your
Business Potential

Our Business Coaching & Mentoring services are tailor-made for women who like to take business by the pom poms.

Whether you’re just starting out or are ready to run the world, we’re here to cheer you on, every step of the way.

Experienced Business Advisors - Supercharge Your Business Potential | The Women's Accountant

Benefits of Business Coaching

Why You Need
a Business Coach

You’re not born knowing how to run a business. Just like if you wanted to improve your golf swing or get better at hitting those high notes — you need a coach who’s been there, done that, and got the spreadsheets to prove it.

Our coaching philosophy is deeply rooted in promoting financial literacy, freedom and independence for women from all backgrounds. We see the role of a business coach as like having someone in your corner who is just as invested in your success as you are; a trusted advisor to help you navigate the ups and downs and loop-the-loops, while giving you practical and strategic ways to build a business (and a legacy) to be truly proud of.

Benefits of Business Coaching - Why You Need a Business Coach | The Women's Accountant

1:1 Business Coaching For Service-Based Business

Where Clarity Meets Strategy

We know firsthand the challenges and opportunities unique to women-led businesses. That’s why we’ve designed a unique, no BS approach to business coaching that specifically caters to women-led and service-based businesses.  

With a potent combination of personalised advice, data-driven insights and proven strategies for creating successful and scalable businesses, we dive deep into the core of your business operations to create a bespoke coaching program to assist with the things that you *actually* need help with.

Here’s what to expect:

Tailored Strategic Insights

1. Tailored Strategic Insights:

Every business is unique, so there’s nothing cookie-cutter about the way we do things.

Instead, get personalised advice and bespoke action plans that align with *your* vision and goals, not hers, not ours, and certainly not his.

Success means having you walk away from our sessions with a crystal clear understanding of what needs to be done, the confidence to make it happen, and the courage to ask for help.

Tackle Any Area of Your Business

2. Tackle Any Area of Your Business:

Sure, we know our way around a spreadsheet, but we’re far more than your ordinary bean counters.

Our team of seasoned business professionals is ready to pass on their hard-won wisdom, whether it’s streamlining your operations, enhancing your marketing strategies, or building for scalability.

And we don’t wait for the shit to hit the fan, instead we are always on the lookout for opportunities to accelerate your impact.

Eye on the Now, Mind for the Later

3. Eye on the Now, Mind for the Later:

We love to help clients get quick runs on the board, but we don’t just work with you to put out immediate fires; we prepare you for the future.

This means helping you set up systems and processes so your business can grow without being bottlenecked by super annoying things like cash flow lumps or hiring bumps.

Together, we focus on building a strong foundation that supports your long-term success and thriving.

Our Coaching Credentials | The Women's Accountant

Choose Your Own Adventure

Our Coaching Credentials

You want support from someone who’s been there, done that, and got the P&Ls to prove it right? With The Women’s Accountant, you get access to combined decades of experience starting, scaling and selling businesses, including internationally.

We know firsthand just what it takes to build a thriving business and the many barriers you need to break down to make things happen for yourself. With tertiary qualifications in business and commerce, and plenty of runs on the board, we offer mentoring, coaching and business advisory services that are fresh, fun and no BS.

Tailored entirely to your needs, we unpack exactly what’s going on in your business and design a coaching program accordingly. Baking in the all-important insights and accountability so you can make better decisions, align with your values, and create a business with freedom as the bottom line, it’s a great way to get help in your business where it matters most.

Core Coaching Themes

What We Can Tackle Together

Not sure where a coach can add value to your business?

At The Women’s Accountant, we’re here to help you amplify all areas of your business, whether it’s optimising operations, or refining pricing strategies.

With expert guidance and support, get ready to make those mountains back into molehills, not the other way around.

Money Management

Improving Cash Flow Management

Better Manage Your Moolah

Operations Overhaul

Streamline Your Systems

Revitalise Your Business

KPI Monitoring

Data-Driven Insights

Hop In, Next Stop: Success

Marketing Mastery

The Art & Science of Marketing

Know Thy Customer, Know Thyself

Business Coaching & Mentoring | The Women's Accountant


It ain’t all about the trophy cabinet, but we’re really proud of not just being any ol’ accountants or advisors; we’re award-winning. Led by multi-business founder and experienced entrepreneur, Emma Bowdler, we are passionate about helping women-led businesses flourish.

Fortune Favours The Fierce

Want To Give
Coaching a Try?

Our Business Coaching & Mentoring
packages are available both as an
additional on-demand service
or on a regular basis as part of
our premium annual packages.

With a supportive team and fierce
ready to cheer you
on every step of the way, get
ready to embrace the
transformative power
of business coaching
The Women’s Accountant.