Our Clients

Video Testimonials

Similar to raising a baby, it takes a village to run a business.

Granted, the business won’t spit up on your best shirt or give you a belly full of stretchmarks, but it might keep you up at night or give you a head full of grey hairs before you’re ready.

Professional Financial Business Advisory Services

Client Testimonials

At The Women’s Accountant, we take our roles as women in business cheerleaders very seriously. Any accountant worth their salt can take care of the books, but not all of them can bring all the girls to the yard with their sage business advice and laugh-a-minute insights. We told you we’re more than your average bean counters, now it’s time to experience it for yourself! 

Here Are Just Some Of
The Badass Businesses We’ve Helped To Grow:

Chloe Watson

Recognition Plus

“…We’ve noticed that we have gained confidence in our financial decision-making and now we really understand where our business can move in the short and long-term; Emma assisted us to restructure our business for long-term growth.”

Diane Skene

‘Moreacres’ Queensland

“We’ve tackled some pretty traumatic moments and she’s been by our side every step of the way. She has an understanding of rural farmers and understands where we are and where we’re heading, knowing that we have our children at the forefront in succession planning”.

Ian Watson

Watson’s Plumbing & Gas

“I like that Emma tells you how it is and she talks our language.

Whether you’re a tradesman, a hairdresser, a butcher…”

Artist / Graphic Designer:

Shayna Fernando

“I am not a numbers girl, I was never going to be good at this accounting stuff but Emma is teaching me how to know the pieces that I need to know and how to ask for help.”

Matt Banhidi

Prestige Paint
& Restoration

“Her advice, her accounting knowledge has been second to none. She’s given us the confidence to grow our business.”

“Literally the second I heard about ‘The Women’s Accountant’ I knew it was exactly what I was looking for.

Goodbye middle-aged male accountant that my parents used; hello hilarious and talented women in business cheerleaders who know their stuff and want to see my business succeed as much as I do!”

Carmen Hawker - CARMEN GET IT!

Carmen Hawker


“Emma is an amazing, enthusiastic accountant and we are so fortunate to have her looking after our business.

She has an eye for detail, is community conscious, empathetic, and always considers her client's business needs, with really personal touch.”

Diane Skene - 'Moreacres'

Diane Skene

'Moreacres', Cecil Plains QLD

“Emma and her team have truly transformed my life!

As a solo business owner, I used to be a hot mess when it came to accounting. I was overwhelmed trying to juggle multiple responsibilities and always falling behind on lodgements. Thanks to Emma, I no longer have to stress - the team at The Women's Accountant has taken control and saved me valuable time. Now, I am consistently on time with my lodgements, which has been a game-changer.

The monthly accountancy fees have been a blessing, as I no longer have to worry about a large sum at the end of the year. Thank you so much, Emma, for your invaluable support!”

Louise Duffield - Spruce Property Co.

Louise Duffield

Spruce Property Co

"Working with the Women’s Accountant has completely changed my life. I was the person who was afraid to check her bank accounts, no idea what was going on in the back end of her business, no savings or plans for the future... just getting by.

Emma never judged me. She didn’t make me feel less than, for not being all over it already. She sorted the stuff that she’s good at, allowing me to keep creating what I was good at.

Emma has empowered me to create a business that works for me and my family, instead of working for my business 24/7 to the detriment of all the other things. The important things."

Shayna Fernando - Artist / Graphic Designer

Shayna Fernando

Artist / Graphic Designer, Toowoomba QLD

Servicing Clients Australia-Wide:

Want to see if The Women’s Accountant is a good fit for you and your business?

Book an initial obligation-free Business Growth Strategy Session online now:

Book Your 60-Minute Business Growth Strategy Session

Ready to get down to business?
Book a FREE initial strategy session with The Women’s Accountant today!

You will leave this initial session with clarity about how to take your business to the next level, along with some of Emma’s invaluable advice and tricks of the trade.

Total Value = $330.00

Book Your 60-Minute Business Growth Strategy Session | The Women's Accountant

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