Need to Break Up with a Client?
How to Know When It’s Time to Cut Ties and How to Do It with Kindness
Not every client is a keeper.
Here’s how to spot clients who are no longer a fit, set boundaries like a boss, and break up with them (kindly).

Emma Bowdler
I’m a cheerleader for women and an accountant bursting with personality.
If you’ve ever felt like a client is draining the g*ddamn life out of you, there’s probably a reason. Maybe they ghost your invoices, push your boundaries, or turn every simple task into a high-drama production. Or maybe you’ve changed and outgrown them, or want to take your business in a different direction—the way we see it, that’s your prerogative as the person in the ‘Director’s chair’.
No matter the reason, it’s a bit like those clothes you’re hanging onto in your wardrobe (you know the ones!), some clients simply aren’t the right fit anymore, and that’s ok.
We know, we know—ending a client relationship can feel awkward AF. But here’s the thing: keeping the wrong clients costs you time, energy, and (let’s be real) sanity. So, if you’ve ever wondered whether you should part ways with a client but aren’t sure how to do it, this one’s for you.
Breakups are Sh*t, but Sh*t Happens
We’re modern girlies who’ve moved way beyond the binary, so when it comes to breaking up with clients, it’s not about labelling clients ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Oftentimes, clients we need to say farewell to might even be great people, or they’ve been with us for a long time—but that doesn’t mean they’re the right fit for where we’re at right now, or where we’re headed.
Maybe you’ve shifted your focus to higher-ticket work, but a long-time client still wants you to deliver budget-friendly solutions. Or perhaps you’re niching down and no longer offering a particular service, but a loyal client keeps requesting it. Neither of these clients are inherently ‘bad’, but if they no longer align with your business model or goals, it’s totally okay to part ways. In fact, we’ve done it many times.
On Wednesdays, we wear pink do Business our Way
When we first started out at The Women’s Accountant, like many fledgling businesses, we took on almost any work we could get (all above board, of course). But the more we went on, we realised that the only way we were going to survive (and make the grey hairs worth it) was if we played to our strengths and worked with the people who align with our values. That meant saying no to clients who weren’t the right fit.
Now, we say no to clients on the regular. Not because we’re #MeanGirls, but because we’re trying to build a high impact and profitable business. Because while it’s really important for business owners to find the right finance wing woman, it is equally important that we work with businesses that are the right fit for us.
We realised that our jam is working with service-based businesses with women at the helm, and so that’s who we prioritise. We’ve now done the break up thing many, many times, and wanted to share with you what we’ve learned…
How to Spot a Problem Client
We want to spot clients who aren’t the right fit before we ever sign them. Prevention is so much easier (and less awkward) than having to unravel a working relationship later.
If you can recognise the flags early, you can save yourself a whole lotta stress, late nights, and exhausting emails down the line. Let’s get into it, yuh.
Here are some of the biggest red flags to watch out for:
🚩 Late Payers
If chasing invoices is becoming a full-time job, it’s a sign that they prolly don’t respect your time (or your business).
🚩 Boundary Bulldozers
The ones who email at all hours, expect immediate responses, or ask for ‘just one more little thing’ without considering the scope.
🚩 Unaligned Values
If their way of doing business makes your stomach churn, they’re not your people.
🚩 Constant Complainers
If no amount of work or effort is ever enough, they’re defs not a good fit.
🚩 Time Vampires
The ones who demand excessive calls, revisions, or hand-holding way beyond what was agreed.
The golden rule?
If a client relationship makes you feel stressed, undervalued, or resentful—it’s a prah-blem.
Clients in the ‘Watch Zone’
Not every questionable behaviour is an immediate dealbreaker, but some clients sit in a ‘watch zone’ where they might become a bit ick if patterns continue. Keep an eye out for these amber flags:
Slow Responders → if a client consistently takes days (or weeks) to reply but expects immediate turnaround from you, they could be a future bottleneck.
Indecisive Decision-Makers → Constantly changing their mind mid-project? This can lead to major scope creep and inefficiency. Put ‘em on the list.
Budget-Conscious but High-Expectation Clients → Wanting premium work at bargain-basement prices is a flag fo’ sho.
Subtle Boundary Pushers → they don’t outright dismiss your limits, but they regularly ask for ‘small favours’ that add up over time.
Unclear Communicators → vague briefs, incomplete feedback, or constantly shifting goals can make projects drag on unnecessarily.
Crisis Merchants → they come to you in a panic and need everything yesterday. This could mean a future full of emergency-only, high-stress work. It’s a no from us.
Clients in this category might not be problematic yet, but if patterns start to emerge, it’s worth addressing them early before they slide into a full-blown red flag s(h)ituation.
Setting Boundaries Before It’s Too Late
Before you reach the ‘we need to talk’ stage, let’s talk about boundaries. Sometimes, problem clients aren’t intentionally difficult; they just don’t know what’s acceptable. Your job? Set expectations early and reinforce them often.
We know we bang on about business boundaries a bit, but that’s because they’re a biz owner’s best friend—or as author Prentis Hemphill would say: “the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously”.
Here are three business boundary setters that every business owner needs pronto:
1. Crystal-Clear Contracts
Lay out your payment terms, response times, revision limits, and boundaries in black and white.
2. Confident Communication
Pushback ain’t personal. If a client is overstepping, politely but firmly remind them of your terms.
3. Have Consequences
(and Actually Enforce Them)
Charge late fees, limit scope, and say no if you have to.
Sometimes, just resetting the rules can turn a difficult client into a delightful one. But if you’ve tried and nothing changes, it might be time for the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ a.k.a ‘it’s definitely you’ chat.
When To Call It Quits
Still feeling like you’d rather stick a fork in your eye than take another client call?
That’s your answer.
But if you need a checklist, here’s when it’s time (for them) to go:
✓ You dread their emails, phonecalls or DMs
✓ You’re consistently feeling underpaid, overworked, or disrespected.
✓ They ignore your boundaries and keep pushing for more.
✓ You’re losing sleep (or money) over keeping them.
No matter how much fandangled tech-robot stuff is going on in the world right now, business is still about relationships—and the best ones are built on mutual respect and shared value. If a client isn’t respecting your expertise, time, or sanity, it might be time to move on.
How to Break Up With a Client (Hold the Drama)
Nobody *actually* likes delivering bad news, right?
But a professional breakup doesn’t have to be messy.
Here are our hot tips on how to do it with class:
Keep it Short and Profesh
→ no need for an essay or to over-explain yourself. A simple, direct message can work best, something along the lines of:
“Thanks for the opportunity to work together.
At this stage, I’m moving in a different direction and will no longer be available to support your business.”
Offer a Transition
→ if it’s appropriate in your industry, refer them to someone else you trust or who might be a better fit, and outline your offboarding process.
Stick to Your Decision
→ some clients will try to negotiate. Remember, you’ve made this hard decision for a reason. If it’s a no, make it a firm (but polite) no.
Making Space for Better Clients
Breaking up with clients isn’t just about setting boundaries—it’s about making space for the right people.
The ones who pay on time, respect your work, and make you excited to show up (more of that please!). To attract more of the aligned ones, start here:
1. Get Clear On Who Your Dream Clients Actually Are
Who do you *love* working with?
Who values your expertise?
Who are these mythical people you desperately want to work with?
Without a clear idea of who they are, where they are, and how you’re going to find them, it’s going to be hard for anyone to ever measure up.
2. Refine Your Messaging
Your website and socials should speak directly to your ideal clients and repel the rest.
If you’re constantly attracting boring moths to your glittery flame, this is a good place to start (and we have some people who can help in our ‘Little Black Book’, just email us for a copy).
3. Raise Your Standards
If a new client gives you red flag energy, don’t take them on just because you “need the work.” Instead, look at ways you can double down on communicating who you want to work with, ask your network to help put you in front of them, and don’t compromise.
Life’s too short for crappy relationships, of any kind.
If a client is no longer the right fit for you or your business, it’s okay to let them go. You’ll be better for it—and truth be known, so will they.
Want More Insights
on Handling Tricky Clients?
It’s time to work with people who *actually* light you up.
For even more juicy insights, practical tips, and maybe even a breakup script or two, you’ll love our episode of The Business BFF podcast on the clients we love to hate.
Take a Listen Now:

Trailer: Welcome to the Business BFF Podcast
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